

アメリカ国債(U.S. Treasury Bonds)は、世界経済において重要な役割を果たしています。この記事では、アメリカ国債の基本を学びながら、関連する英語フレーズも紹介します。

1. アメリカ国債とは?(What are U.S. Treasury Bonds?)

アメリカ国債とは、米国政府が発行する借入証書の一種で、政府が資金を調達するために販売する債券です。これらの債券は、安全資産(safe assets)と見なされ、世界中の投資家に人気があります。

🔹 “U.S. Treasury Bonds are considered one of the safest investments because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.”

2. アメリカ国債の種類(Types of U.S. Treasury Securities)


① Treasury Bills (T-Bills) – 短期国債

🔹 “Treasury Bills are short-term securities that mature in one year or less.”

② Treasury Notes (T-Notes) – 中期国債

🔹 “Treasury Notes have maturities ranging from two to ten years and pay interest every six months.”

③ Treasury Bonds (T-Bonds) – 長期国債

🔹 “Treasury Bonds are long-term securities with maturities of 20 or 30 years.”

3. 利付債とストリップ債(Coupon Bonds vs. STRIPS)

① 利付債(Coupon Bonds)


🔹 “Coupon bonds pay periodic interest, known as coupon payments, until maturity.”


🔹 “A 10-year Treasury Note pays interest every six months until maturity.”

② ストリップ債(STRIPS: Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal Securities)

ストリップ債とは、元本(principal)と利息(interest)の部分が分離され、利息の支払いがないゼロクーポン債(zero-coupon bond)の一種です。満期時に元本のみが支払われます。

🔹 “STRIPS are zero-coupon bonds that do not pay periodic interest but are sold at a discount and redeemed at face value upon maturity.”


🔹 “Investors buy STRIPS at a discount and receive the full face value at maturity.”


🔹 “STRIPS are popular among pension funds and long-term investors seeking predictable returns.”

4. アメリカ国債の利回りと市場(Treasury Yields and the Market)

国債の利回り(yield)は、投資家のリスク選好(risk appetite)や経済状況によって変動します。

🔹 “When demand for Treasuries rises, their yields tend to fall.”


🔹 “The 10-year Treasury yield is often used as a benchmark for mortgage rates and other financial products.”

5. アメリカ国債と金利(Interest Rates and U.S. Treasuries)

米連邦準備制度(Federal Reserve, 通称Fed)の金利政策は、国債市場に直接影響を与えます。

🔹 “When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, Treasury bond prices usually fall.”


🔹 “During economic downturns, investors flock to U.S. Treasuries as a safe haven.”

6. まとめ(Conclusion)


📌 今日の英語フレーズまとめ

  • “U.S. Treasury Bonds are considered one of the safest investments.”
  • “A 10-year Treasury Note pays interest every six months until maturity.”
  • “STRIPS are zero-coupon bonds that do not pay periodic interest but are sold at a discount.”
  • “When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, Treasury bond prices usually fall.”


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